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let’s do this
Coping with cerebral palsy and accepting your disability
A beginners guide to accepting your disability
How you can support Disability Pride Month! #DisabilityPride #disabilityawareness #cerebralpalsy
I was scared getting coffee (part 1) #cerebralpalsy #shorts #disabilityawareness #vulnerability
based on a true story #shorts #disability #funny #cerebralpalsy #comedy #boburnham
about my diagnosis! #shorts #positivity #selfacceptance
The Spectrum of Cerebral Palsy
How do I disclose my disability on dating apps? #onlinedating #selfacceptance #disabilityawareness
Why do most parents not want to consider a disability? #shorts
How you can be confident with cerebral palsy
How to be confident with a learning disability #RobynXO